III. Data Layout
Basic data layout for correlated
niresponses for subjecti
The basic data layout for a correlated analysis
is presented to the left. We consider a longitu-
dinal dataset in which there are repeated mea-
sures forK subjects. Theith subject has ni
measurements recorded. Thejth observation
from theith subject occurs at timetijwith the
outcome measured asYij, and withpcovariates,
Xij 1 ,Xij 2 ,...,Xijp.
Subjects are not restricted to have the same
number of observations (e.g.,n 1 does not have
to equaln 2 ). Also, the time interval between
measurements does not have to be constant
(e.g., t 12 t 11 does not have to equal
t 13 t 12 ). Further, in a longitudinal design, a
variable (tij) indicating time of measurement
may be specified; however, for nonlongitudinal
designs with correlated data, a time variable
may not be necessary or appropriate.
The covariates (i.e.,Xs) may be time-indepen-
dent or time-dependent for a given subject. For
example, the race of a subject will not vary, but
the daily intake of coffee could vary from day to
Presentation: III. Data Layout 499