Positive correlation
On average, asXgets larger,Ygets
larger; or, asXgets smaller,Ygets
Negative correlation
On average, asXgets larger,Ygets
smaller; or asXgets smaller,Ygets
r = + 1 r = – 1
A positive correlation betweenXandYmeans
that larger values ofX, on average, correspond
with larger values ofY, whereas smaller values
of X correspond with smaller values of Y.
For example, persons who are above mean
height will be, on average, above mean weight,
and persons who are below mean height will
be, on average, below mean weight. This
implies that the correlation between indivi-
duals’ height and weight measurements is pos-
itive. This is not to say that there cannot be
tall people of below average weight or short
people of above average weight. Correlation is
a measure of average, even though there may
be variation among individual observations.
Without any additional knowledge, we would
expect a person 6 ft tall to weigh more than a
person 5 ft tall.
A negative correlation betweenXandYmeans
that larger values ofX, on average, correspond
with smaller values of Y, whereas smaller
values ofXcorrespond with larger values ofY.
An example of negative correlation might be
between hours of exercise per week and body
weight. We would expect, on average, people
who exercise more to weigh less, and con-
versely, people who exercise less to weigh
more. Implicit in this statement is the control
of other variables such as height, age, gender,
and ethnicity.
The possible values of the correlation ofXand
Yrange from negative 1 to positive 1. A corre-
lation of negative 1 implies that there is a per-
fect negative linear relationship betweenXand
Y, whereas a correlation of positive 1 implies
a perfect positive linear relationship between
Height and weight
Height X
(X, Y)
Weight Y
Exercise X
Hours of exercise
and body weight
Body Weight Y
(X, Y)
Presentation: IV. Covariance and Correlation 501