Perfect linear relationship
Y¼b 0 þb 1 X, for a givenX
XandYindependent)r¼ 0
r¼ 0 )
XandYhave nonlinear
Correlations on same variable
ðY 1 ;Y 2 ;...;YnÞ
rY 1 Y 2 ;rY 1 Y 3 ;...;etc:
Correlations between dichotomous
variables may also be considered.
By a perfect linear relationship we mean that,
given a value ofX, the value ofYcan be exactly
ascertained from that linear relationship of
Xand Y (i.e.,Y¼b 0 þb 1 Xwhere b 0 is the
intercept andb 1 is the slope of the line). IfX
andYare independent, then their correlation
will be zero. The reverse does not necessarily
hold. A zero correlation may also result from a
nonlinear association betweenXandY.
We have been discussing correlation in terms
of two different variables such as height
and weight. We can also consider correlations
between repeated observations (Y 1 ,Y 2 ,...,Yn)
on the same variableY.
Consider a study in which each subject has sev-
eral systolic blood pressure measurements over
a period of time. We might expect a positive
correlation between pairs of blood pressure
measurements from the same individual (Yj,Yk).
The correlation might also depend on the time
period between measurements. Measurements
5 min apart on the same individual might be
more highly correlated than measurements
2 years apart.
This discussion can easily be extended from
continuous variables to dichotomous vari-
ables. Suppose a study is conducted examining
daily inhaler use by patients with asthma. The
dichotomous outcome is coded 1 for the event
(use) and 0 for no event (no use). We might
expect a positive correlation between pairs of
responses from the same subject (Yj,Yk).
Daily inhaler use (1¼yes, 0¼no) on
same individual over time
ExpectrYjYk>0 for same subject
Systolic blood pressure on same
individual over time
ExpectrYjYk>0 for somej, k
t 1 t 2
Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4
t 3 t 4
ExpectrY 1 Y 2 orrY 3 Y 4 >
rY 1 Y 3 ,rY 1 Y 4 ,rY 2 Y 3 ,rY 2 Y 4
502 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE