Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

V. Generalized Linear

General form of many statistical

Y¼fðX 1 ;X 2 ;...;XpÞþE;

where:Yis random
X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xpare fixed
Eis random


  1. A function (f) for the fixed
    predictors, e.g., linear

  2. A distribution for the random
    error (E), e.g., N(0,1)

GLM models include:

Logistic regression
Linear regression
Poisson regression

GEE models are extensions of GLM

GLM: a generalization of the clas-
sical linear model

Linear regression
 Normal distribution

Logistic regression
 Binomial distribution:
EðYÞ¼m¼PðY¼ 1 Þ

Logistic regression used to model

PðY¼ 1 jX 1 ;X 2 ;...;XpÞ

For many statistical models, including logistic
regression, the predictor variables (i.e., inde-
pendent variables) are considered fixed and
the outcome, or response (i.e., dependent vari-
able), is considered random. A general formu-
lation of this idea can be expressed asY¼f(X 1 ,
X 2 ,...,Xp)þEwhereYis the response vari-
able,X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xpare the predictor variables,
andErepresents random error. In this frame-
work, the model forYconsists of a fixed com-
ponent [f(X 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xp)] and a random com-
ponent (E).

A function (f) for the fixed predictors and
a distribution for the random error (E) are

Logistic regression belongs to a class of models
called generalized linear models (GLM). Other
models that belong to the class of GLM include
linear and Poisson regression. For correlated
analyses, the GLM framework can be extended
to a class of models called generalized esti-
mating equations (GEE) models. Before dis-
cussing correlated analyses using GEE, we
shall describe GLM.

GLM are a natural generalization of the classi-
cal linear model (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989).
In classical linear regression, the outcome is
a continuous variable, which is often assumed
to follow a normal distribution. The mean
response is modeled as linear with respect to
the regression parameters.

In standard logistic regression, the outcome is a
dichotomous variable. Dichotomous outcomes
are often assumed to follow a binomial distri-
bution, with an expected value (or mean,m)
equal to a probability [e.g., P(Y¼1)].

It is this probability that is modeled in logistic

Presentation: V. Generalized Linear Models 503
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