Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Exponential family distributions

Generalized linear model

gðmÞ¼b 0 þ~


h¼ 1


where:mis the mean responseE(Y)
g(m) is a function of the

Three components for GLM:

  1. Random component

  2. Systematic component

  3. Link function

  4. Random component

Yfollows a distribution from
the exponential family

  1. Systematic component

TheXs are combined in the
model linearly, (i.e.,b 0 þSbhXh)

Logistic model:

P(X) =
1 + exp[–(b 0 + Σ bhXh]


linear component

The binomial distribution belongs to a larger
class of distributions called the exponential
family. Other distributions belonging to the
exponential family are the normal, Poisson,
exponential, and gamma distributions. These
distributions can be written in a similar form
and share important properties.

Letmrepresent the mean responseE(Y), and
g(m) represent a function of the mean response.
A generalized linear model withpindependent
variables can be expressed as g(m) equals
b 0 plus the summation of thepindependent
variables times their beta coefficients.

There are three components that comprise
GLM: (1) a random component, (2) a system-
atic component, and (3) the link function.
These components are described as follows:

  1. The random componentrequires the out-
    come (Y) to follow a distribution from the
    exponential family. This criterion is met for
    a logistic regression (unconditional) since the
    response variable follows a binomial distri-
    bution, which is a member of the exponential

  2. The systematic component requires that
    theXs be combined in the model as a linear
    functionðb 0 þSbhXhÞof the parameters. This
    portion of the model is not random. This crite-
    rion is met for a logistic model, since the model
    form contains a linear component in its

504 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE

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