IfYinot independent but MV normal
IfYinot independent andnot
MV normal
Quasi-likelihood theory
No likelihood
Specify mean variance
Foundation of GEE
VI. GEE Models
GEE: class of models for correlated
data Link functiongmodeled as
gðmÞ¼b 0 þ~
h¼ 1
ForYð 0 ; 1 Þ)logit link
gðmÞ¼logit PðY¼ 1 jXÞ
¼b 0 þ~
h¼ 1
For nonindependent outcomes whose joint dis-
tribution is multivariate (MV) normal, the like-
lihood is relatively straightforward, since the
multivariate normal distribution is completely
specified by the means, variances, and all of the
pairwise covariances of the random outcomes.
This is typicallynotthe case for other multi-
variate distributions in which the outcomes
arenotindependent. For these circumstances,
quasi-likelihood theory offers an alternative
approach for model development.
Quasi-likelihood methods have many of the
same desirable statistical properties that maxi-
mum likelihood methods have, but the full like-
lihood does not need to be specified. Rather,
the relationship between the mean and vari-
ance of each response is specified. Just as the
maximum likelihood theory lays the founda-
tion for GLM, the quasi-likelihood theory lays
the foundation for GEE models.
GEE represent a class of models that are often
utilized for data in which the responses are
correlated (Liang and Zeger, 1986). GEE mod-
els can be used to account for the correlation of
continuous or categorical outcomes. As in
GLM, a function of the meang(m), called the
link function, is modeled as linear in the regres-
sion parameters.
For a dichotomous outcome, the logit link is
commonly used. For this case,g(m) equals logit
(P), where P is the probability that Y¼1.
If there arepindependent variables, this can
be expressed as: logit P(Y¼1|X) equals
b 0 plus the summation of thepindependent
variables times theirbcoefficients.
506 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE