Correlated vs. independent
Identical model
Different assumptions
Generalization of quasi-
Specify a “working” correlation
structure for within-cluster
Assume independence between
VII. Correlation Structure
Correlation and covariance sum-
marized as square matrices
Covariance matrix forY 1 andY 2
varðY 1 Þ covðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ
covðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ varðY 2 Þ
The logistic model for correlated data looks
identical to the standard logistic model. The
difference is in the underlying assumptions of
the model, including the presence of correla-
tion, and the way in which the parameters are
GEE is a generalization of quasi-likelihood
estimation, so the joint distribution of the
data need not be specified. For clustered
data, the user specifies a “working” correlation
structure for describing how the responses
within clusters are related to each other.
Between clusters, there is an assumption of
For example, suppose 20 asthma patients are
followed for a week and keep a daily diary of
inhaler use. The response (Y) is given a value of
1 if a patient uses an inhaler on a given day and
0 if there is no use of an inhaler on that day.
The exposure of interest is daily pollen level.
In this analysis, each subject is a cluster. It is
reasonable to expect that outcomes (i.e., daily
inhaler use) are positively correlated within
observations from the same subject but inde-
pendent between different subjects.
The correlation and the covariance between
measures are often summarized in the form
of a square matrix (i.e., a matrix with equal
numbers of rows and columns). We use simple
matrices in the following discussion; however,
a background in matrix operations is not
required for an understanding of the material.
For simplicity consider two observations,Y 1
andY 2. The covariance matrix for just these
two observations is a 22 matrix (V) of the
form shown at left. We use the conventional
matrix notation of bold capital letters to iden-
tify individual matrices.
Asthma patients followed 7 days
Y: daily inhaler use (0,1)
E: pollen level
Cluster: asthma patient
Yiwithinsubjects correlated
Yibetweensubjects independent
Presentation: VII. Correlation Structure 507