Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Corresponding 2 2 correlation

1 corrðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ
corrðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ 1


Diagonal matrix: has 0 in all non-
diagonal entries.

Diagonal 22 matrix with var-
iances on diagonal

varðY 1 Þ 0
0 varðY 2 Þ


Can extend toNNmatrices

Matrices symmetric: (i, j)¼(j, i)

covðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ¼covðY 2 ;Y 1 Þ
corrðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ¼corrðY 2 ;Y 1 Þ

Relationship between covariance
and correlation expressed as

covðY 1 ;Y 2 Þ

varðY 1 Þ

½corrðY 1 ;Y 2 ފ

varðY 2 Þ


Matrix version:V¼D

Logistic regression

m 1 ð 1 m 1 Þ 0
0 m 2 ð 1 m 2 Þ




varðYiÞ¼mið 1 miÞ

mi¼g^1 ðX;bÞ

The corresponding 22 correlation matrix (C)
is also shown at left. Note that the covariance
between a variable and itself is the variance
of that variable [e.g., cov(Y 1 ,Y 1 )¼var(Y 1 )],
so that the correlation between a variable and
itself is 1.

Adiagonal matrixhas a 0 in all nondiagonal

A22 diagonal matrix (D) with the variances
along the diagonal is of the form shown at left.

The definitions ofV,C, andDcan be extended
from 2 2 matrices toNNmatrices. A
symmetric matrixis a square matrix in which
the (i, j) element of the matrix is the same value
as the (j, i) element. The covariance of (Yi,Yj)is
the same as the covariance of (Yj,Yi); thus the
covariance and correlation matrices are sym-
metric matrices.

The covariance betweenY 1 andY 2 equals the
standard deviation ofY 1 , times the correlation
betweenY 1 andY 2 , times the standard devia-
tion ofY 2.

The relationship between covariance and cor-
relation can be similarly expressed in terms of
the matricesV,C, andDas shown on the left.

For logistic regression, the variance of the
response Yiequalsmitimes (1mi). The cor-
responding diagonal matrix (D) hasmi(1mi)
for the diagonal elements and 0 for the off-
diagonal elements. As noted earlier, the mean
(mi) is expressed as a function of the covariates
and the regression parameters [g^1 (X,b)].

508 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE

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