Block diagonal matrix: subject-
specific correlation matrices form
blocks (Bi)
B 1 0
B 2
0B 3
5 where Bi¼ith block
We illustrate the form of the correlation matrix
in which responses are correlated within sub-
jects and independent between subjects. For
simplicity, consider a dataset with information
on only three subjects in which there are four
responses recorded for each subject. There are
12 observations (3 times 4) in all. The correla-
tion between responses from two different sub-
jects is 0, whereas the correlation between
responses from the same subject (i.e., thejth
andkth response from subjecti)isrijk.
This correlation matrix is called ablock diago-
nal matrix, where subject-specific correlation
matrices are the blocks along the diagonal of
the matrix.
The correlation matrix in the preceding exam-
ple contains 18 correlation parameters (6 per
cluster) based on only 12 observations. In this
setting, each subject has his or her own distinct
set of correlation parameters.
18 rs (6 per cluster/subject) but 12
Subject i: {ri 12 , ri 13 , ri 14 , ri 23 , ri 24 , ri 34 }
Three subjects; four observations each
Within-cluster correlation betweenjth
andkth response from subjecti¼rijk
Between-subject correlations¼ 0
1 r 112 r 113 r 114 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 0 0 00 00
00 0 0 00 00
00 0 0 00 00
00 0 0 00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 0 0
00 0 0
00 0 0
00 0 0
r 112 1 r 123 r 124
r 113 r 123 1 r 134
r 114 r 124 r 134 1
1 r 212 r 213 r 214
r 212 1 r 223 r 224
r 213 r 223 1 r 234
r 214 r 224 r 234 1
r 334 1
1 r 312 r 313 r 314
r 312 1 r 323 r 324
r 313 r 323 1 r 334
r 314 r 324
Presentation: VII. Correlation Structure 509