)^binot valid
GEE approach: common set of
rs for each subject:
Subjecti:{r 12 ,r 13 ,r 14 ,r 23 ,r 24 ,
r 34 }
In general, forKsubjects:
rijk)rjk:#ofrs#by factor ofK
Example above:unstructuredcor-
relation structure
Next section shows other structures.
If there are more parameters to estimate than
observations in the dataset, then the model is
overparameterized and there is not enough
information to yield valid parameter estimates.
To avoid this problem, the GEE approach
requires that each subject have a common set of
correlation parameters. This reduces the number
of correlation parameters substantially. This
type of correlation matrix is presented at
the left.
There are now 6 correlation parameters (rjk)
for 12 observations of data. Giving each subject
a common set of correlation parameters
reduced the number by a factor of 3 (18 to 6).
In general, a common set of correlation para-
meters forKsubjects reduces the number of
correlation parameters by a factor ofK.
The correlation structure presented above is
called unstructured. Other correlation struc-
tures, with stronger underlying assumptions,
reduce the number of correlation parameters
even further. Various types of correlation
structure are presented in the next section.
3 subjects; 4 observations each
1 r 12 r 13 r 14 00000000
r 12 1 r 23 r 24 00000000
r 13 r 23 1 r 34 00000000
r 14 r 24 r 34 100000000
00001 r 12 r 13 r 14 0000
0000 r 12 1 r 23 r 24 0000
0000 r 13 r 23 1 r 34 0000
0000 r 14 r 24 r 34 10000
000000001 r 12 r 13 r 14
00000000 r 12 1 r 23 r 24
00000000 r 13 r 23 1 r 34
00000000 r 14 r 24 r 34 1
Now only 6rs for 12 observations:
##rs by factor of 3 (¼# subjects)
510 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE