IX. Empirical and Model-
Based Variance
GEE estimates have desirable
whereK¼# clusters
“Large” is subjective
Two statistical properties of GEE
estimates (if model correct):
- Consistent
^b!b asK!1
- Asymptotically normal
^bnormal asK!1
Asymptotic normal property allows:
Confidence intervals
Statistical tests
In the next section, we describe two variance
estimators that can be obtained for the fitted
regression coefficients – empirical and model-
based estimators. In addition, we discuss the
effect of misspecification of the correlation
structure on those estimators.
Maximum likelihood estimates in GLM are
appealing because they have desirable asymp-
totic statistical properties. Parameter esti-
mates derived from GEE share some of these
properties. By asymptotic, we mean “as the
number of clusters approaches infinity”. This
is a theoretical concept since the datasets that
we are considering have a finite sample size.
Rather, we can think of these properties as
holding for large samples. Nevertheless, the
determination of what constitutes a “large”
sample is somewhat subjective.
If a GEE model is correctly specified, then the
resultant regression parameter estimates have
two important statistical properties: (1) the
estimates areconsistentand (2) the distribu-
tion of the estimates is asymptotically normal.
A consistent estimator is a parameter estimate
that approaches the true parameter value in
probability. In other words, as the number of
clusters becomes sufficiently large, the differ-
ence between the parameter estimate and the
true parameter approaches zero. Consistency
is an important statistical property since it
implies that the method will asymptotically
arrive at the correct answer. The asymptotic
normal property is also important since know-
ledge of the distribution of the parameter
estimates allows us to construct confidence
intervals and perform statistical tests.
516 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE