To correctly specify a GEE model:
Specify correctg(m)
Specify correctCi
^bh consistent even ifCimisspeci-
^bhmore efficient ifCicorrect
To construct CIs, needdvarðb^Þ
Two types of variance estimators:
No effect on^b
Effect ondvarðb^Þ
Model-based variance estimators:
Similar in form to variance
estimators in GLM
Consistent only ifCicorrectly
To correctly specify a GLM or GEE model,
one must correctly model the mean response
[i.e., specify the correct link function g(m)
and use the correct covariates]. Otherwise,
the parameter estimates will not be consistent.
An additional issue for GEE models is whether
the correlation structure is correctly specified
by the working correlation structure (Ci).
A key property of GEE models is that parame-
ter estimates for the regression coefficients are
consistent even if the correlation structure is
misspecified. However, it is still preferable for
the correlation structure to be correctly speci-
fied. There is less propensity for error in the
parameter estimates (i.e., smaller variance) if
the correlation structure is correctly specified.
Estimators are said to be moreefficientif the
variance is smaller.
For the construction of confidence intervals
(CIs), it is not enough to know that the param-
eter estimates are asymptotically normal. In
addition, we need to estimate the variance of
the parameter estimates (not to be confused
with the variance of the outcome). For GEE
models, there are two types of variance estima-
tor, calledmodel-basedandempirical, that can
be obtained for the fitted regression coeffi-
cients. The choice of which estimator is used
has no effect on the parameter estimate (^b), but
rather the effect is on the estimate of its vari-
Model-based variance estimators are of a
similar form as the variance estimators in
a GLM, which are based on maximum like-
lihood theory. Although the likelihood is
never formulated for GEE models, model-
based variance estimators are consistent esti-
mators, but only if the correlation structure is
correctly specified.
Presentation: IX. Empirical and Model-Based Variance Estimators 517