Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Empirical estimator generally

Reason: robust to
misspecification of
correlation structure

Preferable to specify working corre-
lation structure close to actual one:

 More efficient estimate ofb

 More reliable estimate of varð^bÞ
if number of clusters is small

X. Statistical Tests

In SLR, three tests of significance

 Likelihood ratio test

 Score test

 Wald test

In GEE models, two tests of^bh:

 Score test

 Wald test

likelihood ratio test

For the estimation of the variance of ^b in
the GEE model, the empirical estimator is
generally recommended over the model-based
estimator since it is more robust to misspecifi-
cation of the correlation structure. This may
seem to imply that if the empirical estimator
is used, it does not matter which correlation
structure is specified. However, choosing a
working correlation that is closer to the actual
one is preferable since there is a gain in effi-
ciency. Additionally, since consistency is an
asymptotic property, if the number of clusters
is small, then even the empirical variance esti-
mate may be unreliable (e.g., may yield incor-
rect confidence intervals) if the correlation
structure is misspecified.

Thelikelihood ratio test, theWald test, and the
Score testcan each be used to test the statistical
significance of regression parameters in a stan-
dard logistic regression (SLR). The formu-
lation of the likelihood ratio statistic relies on
the likelihood function. The formulation of the
Score statistic relies on the score function, (i.e.,
the partial derivatives of the log likelihood).
(Score functions are described in Sect.XI.)
The formulation of the Wald test statistic relies
on the parameter estimate and its variance

For GEE models, the likelihood ratio test cannot
be used since a likelihood is never formulated.
However, there is a generalization of the Score
test designed for GEE models. The test statistic
for this Score test is based on the generalized
estimating “score-like” equations that are solved
to produce parameter estimates for the GEE
model. (These “score-like” equations are
described in Sect.XI.) The Wald test can also
be used for GEE models since parameter
estimates for GEE models are asymptotically

Presentation: X. Statistical Tests 519
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