Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Key differenceGEE vs. GLM score
equations: GEE allow for multiple
responses per subject

GEE model parameters – three

  1. Regression parameters (b)
    Express relationship between
    predictors and outcome.

  2. Correlation parameters (a)
    Express within-cluster
    correlation; user specifiesCi.

  3. Scale factor(f)
    Accounts for extra variation

The key difference between these estimating
equations and the score equations presented
in the previous section is that these estimating
equations are generalized to allow for multiple
responses from each subject rather than just
one response.Yiandminow represent acollec-
tionof responses (i.e., vectors) andWirepre-
sents the variance–covariance matrix for all of
theith subject’s responses.

There are three types of parameters in a GEE
model. These are as follows.

  1. Theregression parameters (b) express the
    relationship between the predictors and the
    outcome. Typically, for epidemiological ana-
    lyses, it is the regression parameters (or regres-
    sion coefficients) that are of primary interest.
    The other parameters contribute to the accu-
    racy and integrity of the model but are
    often considered “nuisance parameters”. For
    a logistic regression, it is the regression param-
    eter estimates that allow for the estimation of
    odds ratios.

  2. The correlation parameters (a) express
    the within-cluster correlation. To run a GEE
    model, the user specifies a correlation struc-
    ture (Ci), which provides a framework for the
    modeling of the correlation between responses
    from the same subject. The choice of correla-
    tion structure can affect both the estimates
    and the corresponding standard errors of the
    regression parameters.

  3. Thescale factor(f) accounts for overdisper-
    sion or underdispersion of the response. Over-
    dispersion means that the data are showing
    more variation in the response variable than
    what is assumed from the modeling of the
    mean–variance relationship.

526 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE

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