SLR: var(Y)¼m(1m)
GEE logistic regression
varðYÞ¼fmð 1 mÞ
fdoes not affect^b
faffectss^biff 6 ¼ 1
f>1: overdispersion
f<1: underdispersion
aandbestimated iteratively:
Estimatesupdated alternately
) convergence
To run GEE model, specify:
g(m)¼link function
V(m)¼mean variance
Ci¼working correlation
GLM – no specification of a corre-
lation structure
GEE logistic model:
logit PðD¼ 1 jXÞ¼b 0 þ~
h¼ 1
acan affect estimation ofbands^b
b^iinterpretation same as SLR
For a standard logistic regression (SLR), the
variance of the response variable is assumed
to be m(1m), whereas for a GEE logistic
regression, the variance of the response vari-
able is modeled asfm(1m) wherefis the
scale factor. The scale factor doesnotaffect
the estimate of the regression parameters but
it does affect their standard errors (s^b) if the
scale factor is different from 1. If the scale
factor is greater than 1, there is an indication
of overdispersion and the standard errors of
the regression parameters are correspondingly
scaled (inflated).
For a GEE model, the correlation parameters
(a) are estimated by making use of updated
estimates of the regression parameters (b),
which are used to model the mean response.
The regression parameter estimates are, in
turn, updated using estimates of the correla-
tion parameters. The computational process is
iterative, by alternately updating the estimates
of the alphas and then the betas until conver-
gence is achieved.
The GEE model is formulated by specifying a
link function to model the mean response as a
function of covariates (as in a GLM), a variance
function which relates the mean and variance
of each response, and a correlation structure
that accounts for the correlation between
responses within each cluster. For the user,
the greatest difference of running a GEE
model as opposed to a GLM is the specification
of the correlation structure.
A GEE logistic regression is stated in a similar
manner as a SLR, as shown on the left. The
addition of the correlation parameters can
affect the estimation of the beta parameters
and their standard errors. However, the inter-
pretation of the regression coefficients is the
same as in SLR in terms of the way it reflects
the association between the predictor variables
and the outcome (i.e., the odds ratios).
Presentation: XII. Generalizing the “Score-like” Equations to Form GEE Models 527