GEE vs. Standard Logistic
SLR equivalent to GEE model
- Independent correlation
structure - fforced to equal 1
- Model-based standard errors
Chapter 15: GEE Examples
With an SLR, there is an assumption that
each observation is independent. By using an
independent correlation structure, forcing
the scale factor to equal 1, and using model-
based rather than empirical standard errors
for the regression parameter estimates, we
can perform a GEE analysis and obtain results
identical to those obtained from a standard
logistic regression.
We suggest that you review the material cov-
ered here by reading the detailed outline that
follows. Then, do the practice exercises and
In the next chapter (Chap. 15), examples are
presented to illustrate the effects of selecting
different correlation structures for a model
applied to a given dataset. The examples are
also used to compare the GEE approach with
a standard logistic regression approach in
which the correlation between responses is
üChapter 14: Logistic Regression
for Correlated
Data: GEE
described one analytic approach, the GEE
model, for the situation where the outcome
variable has dichotomous correlated res-
ponses. We examined the form and interpre-
tation of the GEE model and discussed a
variety of correlation structures that may
be used in the formulation of the model. In
addition, an overview of the mathematical
theory underlying the GEE model has been
528 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE