C. Quasi-likelihood estimating equations follow
the same form as score equations and thus are
called “score-like”equations.
i. For quasi-likelihood methods, a mean
variance relationship for the responses is
specified [V(m)] but the likelihood in not
ii. For a dichotomous outcome with a
binomial distribution, var(Y)¼fV(m),
whereV(m)¼m(1m) andf¼1; in general
fis a scale factor that allows for extra
variability inY.
XII. Generalizing the “score-like” equations to form
GEE models(pages 524 – 528)
A. GEE can be used to model clustered data that
contains within cluster correlation.
B. Matrix notation is used to describe GEE:
i. Di¼diagonal matrix, with variance
functionV(mij) on diagonal.
ii. Ci¼correlation matrix (or working
correlation matrix).
iii. Wi¼variance–covariance matrix (or
working covariance matrix).
C. The form of GEE is similar to score equations:
i¼ 1
@m^0 i
½Wi^1 ½Yimi¼ 0 ;
iand whereh¼0, 1, 2,...,p.
i. There arepþ1 estimating equations, with
the summation over allKsubjects.
ii. The key difference between generalized
estimating equations and GLM score
equations is that the GEE allow for multiple
responses from each subject.
D. Three types of parameters in a GEE model:
i. Regression parameters (b): these express
the relationship between the predictors and
the outcome. In logistic regression, the
betas allow estimation of odds ratios.
ii. Correlation parameters (a): these express
the within-cluster correlation. A working
correlation structure is specified to run a
GEE model.
iii. Scale factor (f): this accounts for extra
variation (underdispersion or
overdispersion) of the response.
534 14. Logistic Regression for Correlated Data: GEE