Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. Which of the following isnota property of the logistic
    model? (Circle one choice.)
    a. The model form can be written as
    P(X)=1/{1þexp[(aþ~biXi)]}, where “exp{}”
    denotes the quantity e raised to the power of the
    expression inside the brackets.
    b. logit P(X)¼aþ~biXiis an alternative way to
    state the model.
    c. ROR¼exp[~bi(X 1 iX 0 i)] is a general expression
    for the odds ratio that compares two groups of
    d. ROR¼P{exp[bi(X 1 iX 0 i)]} is a general expression
    for the odds ratio that compares two groups of
    e. For any variableXi, ROR¼exp[bi], wherebiis the
    coefficient ofXi, gives an adjusted odds ratio for
    the effect ofXi.
    Suppose a logistic model involving the variables D¼HPT
    [hypertension status (0, 1)],X 1 ¼AGE(continuous),X 2 ¼
    SMK(0, 1),X 3 ¼SEX(0, 1),X 4 ¼CHOL (cholesterol level,
    continuous), andX 5 ¼OCC[occupation (0, 1)] is fit to a set
    of data. Suppose further that the estimated coefficients of
    each of the variables in the model are given by the
    following table:

AGE 0.0274
SMK 0.5859
SEX 1.1523
CHOL 0.0087
OCC 0.5309

  1. State the form of the logistic model that was fit to
    these data (i.e., state the model in terms of the
    unknown population parameters and the
    independent variables being considered).

  2. State the form of theestimatedlogistic model obtained
    from fitting the model to the data set.

  3. State the estimated logistic model in logit form.

  4. Assuming the study design used was a follow-up
    design, compute the estimated risk for a 40-year-old
    male (SEX¼1) smoker (SMK¼1) with CHOL¼ 200
    and OCC¼1. (You need a calculator to answer this

36 1. Introduction to Logistic Regression

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