r^j;jþ 1 ¼ 0 : 5254
r^j;jþ 2 ¼ð 0 : 5254 Þ^2 ¼ 0 : 2760
r^j;jþ 3 ¼ð 0 : 5254 Þ^3 ¼ 0 : 1450
Model 2:Exchangeable
correlation structure
Variable Coefficient
Std Err
INTERCEPT 1.3987 1.2063 0.2463
BIRTHWGT 0.0005 0.0003 0.1237
GENDER 0.0262 0.5547 0.9623
DIARRHEA 0.6485 0.7553 0.3906
^b 3 for DIARRHEA¼0.6485
(vs. 0.2214 with Model 1)
Exchangeable working correlation
COL1 COL2 ... COL9
ROW1 1.0000 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW2 0.4381 1.0000 ... 0.4381
ROW3 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW4 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW5 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW6 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW7 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW8 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
ROW9 0.4381 0.4381 ... 0.4381
Only one^r:r^¼ 0 : 4381
Model 3:Fixed correlation
Variable Coefficient
Std Err
INTERCEPT 1.3618 1.2009 0.2568
BIRTHWGT 0.0005 0.0003 0.1110
GENDER 0.0304 0.5457 0.9556
DIARRHEA 0.2562 0.8210 0.7550
Note that the correlation between measure-
ments 2 months apart (0.2760) is the square
of measurements 1 month apart (0.5254),
whereas the correlation between measure-
ments 3 months apart (0.1450) is the cube of
measurements 1 month apart. This is the key
property of the AR1 correlation structure.
Next we present the parameter estimates and
working correlation matrix for a GEE model
using the exchangeable correlation structure
(Model 2). The coefficient estimate for DIAR-
RHEA is 0.6485. This compares with the
parameter estimate of 0.2214 for the same
coefficient using the AR1 correlation structure
in Model 1.
There is only one correlation to estimate with
an exchangeable correlation structure. For this
model, this estimate is 0.4381. The interpreta-
tion is that the correlation between any two
outcome measures from the same infant is
estimated at 0.4381 regardless of which
months the measurements are taken.
Next we examine output from a model with a
fixed, or user-defined, correlation structure
(Model 3). The coefficient estimate and stan-
dard error for DIARRHEA are 0.2562 and
0.8210, respectively. These are similar to the
estimates in the AR1 model, which were
0.2214 and 0.8558, respectively.
546 15. GEE Examples