Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Fixed structure:rprespecified, not

In Model 3,rfixed at 0.55 for con-
secutive months; 0.30 for noncon-
secutive months.

Fixed working correlation matrix

COL1 COL2 ... COL9

ROW1 1.0000 0.5500 ... 0.3000
ROW2 0.5500 1.0000 ... 0.3000
ROW3 0.3000 0.5500 ... 0.3000
ROW4 0.3000 0.3000 ... 0.3000
ROW5 0.3000 0.3000 ... 0.3000
ROW6 0.3000 0.3000 ... 0.3000
ROW7 0.3000 0.3000 ... 0.3000
ROW8 0.3000 0.3000 ... 0.5500
ROW9 0.3000 0.3000 ... 1.0000

Correlation structure (fixed) for
Model 3: combines AR1 and
exchangeable features

Choice ofrat discretion of user,
but may not always converge

Allows flexibility specifying

A fixed correlation structure has no correlation
parameters to estimate. Rather, the values of
the correlations are prespecified. For Model 3,
the prespecified correlations are set at 0.55
between responses from consecutive months
and 0.30 between responses from nonconsecu-
tive months. For instance, the correlation
between months 2 and 3 or months 2 and 1 is
assumed to be 0.55, whereas the correlation
between month 2 and the other months (not 1
or 3) is assumed to be 0.30.

This particular selection of fixed correlation
values contains some features of an autore-
gressive correlation structure, in that consecu-
tive monthly measures are more strongly
correlated. It also contains some features of
an exchangeable correlation structure, in that,
for nonconsecutive months, the order of mea-
surements does not affect the correlation. Our
choice of values for this model was influenced
by the fitted values observed in the working
correlation matrices of Model 1 and Model 2.

The choice of correlation values for a fixed
working correlation structure is at the discre-
tion of the user. However, the parameter esti-
mates are not guaranteed to converge for every
choice of correlation values. In other words,
the software package may not be able to pro-
vide parameter estimates for a GEE model for
some user-defined correlation structures.

The use of a fixed correlation structure con-
trasts with other correlation structures in that
the working correlation matrix (Ci) does not
result from fitting a model to the data, since
the correlation values are all prespecified. How-
ever, it does allow flexibility in the specification
of more complicated correlation patterns.

Presentation: II. Example 1: Infant Care Study 547
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