Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Impact of misspecification




For Models 1–5:

dOR range¼ 1 : 25  3 : 39

dOR range suggests model


Instability likely due to small num-
ber (nine) of exposed cases.

Which models to eliminate?

Models 4 and 5 (independent):
Evidence of correlated

Model 2 (exchangeable):
If autocorrelation suspected

Remaining models: similar results:

Model 1 (AR1)
dORð 95 %CIÞ¼ 1 : 25 ð 0 : 23 ; 6 : 68 Þ

Model 3 (fixed)
dORð 95 %CIÞ¼ 1 : 29 ð 0 : 26 ; 6 : 46 Þ

Typically, a misspecification of the correlation
structure has a stronger impact on the stan-
dard errors than on the odds ratio estimates.
In this example, however, there is quite a bit of
variation in the odds ratio estimates across the
five models (from 1.25 for Model 1 to 2.17 for
Model 4 and Model 5).

This variation in odds ratio estimates suggests
a degree of model instability and a need for
cautious interpretation of results. Such evi-
dence of instability may not have been appar-
ent if only a single correlation structure had
been examined. The reason the odds ratio var-
ies as it does in this example is probably due to
the relatively few infants who are exposed
cases (n¼9) for any of their nine monthly

It is easier to eliminate prospective models
than to choose a definitive model. The working
correlation matrices of the first two models
presented (AR1 autoregressive and exchange-
able) suggest that there is a positive correlation
between responses for the outcome variable.
Therefore, an independent correlation struc-
ture is probably not justified. This would elim-
inate Model 4 and Model 5 from consideration.

The exchangeable assumption for Model 2 may
be less satisfactory in a longitudinal study if it
is felt that there is autocorrelation in the
responses. If so, that leaves Model 1 and
Model 3 as the models of choice.

Model 1 and Model 3 yield similar results, with
an odds ratio and 95% confidence interval of
1.25 (0.23, 6.68) for Model 1 and 1.29 (0.26,
6.46) for Model 3. Recall that our choice of
correlation values used in Model 3 was influ-
enced by the working correlation matrices of
Model 1 and Model 2.

550 15. GEE Examples

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