Two tests:
Score test
Generalized Wald test
Under H 0 , both test statistics
approximatew^2 with
df¼#of parameters tested.
Chunk test for interaction terms:
Type DF Chi-square P-value
Score 4 3.66 0.4544
Wald 4 3.53 0.4737
Both tests fail to rejectH 0.
Model 2: No interaction model
logit PðD¼ 1 jXÞ
¼b 0 þb 1 ASPIRINþb 2 AGE
Model 2 Output(Exchangeable)
Variable Coefficient
Std Err
INTERCEPT 0.4713 1.6169 0.7707
ASPIRIN 1.3302 0.1444 0.0001
AGE 0.0086 0.0087 0.3231
GENDER 0.5503 0.2559 0.0315
WEIGHT 0.0007 0.0066 0.9200
HEIGHT 0.0080 0.0105 0.4448
There are two other statistical tests that can be
utilized for GEE models. These are the
generalized Score test and the generalized
Wald test. The test statistic for the Score test
relies on the “score-like” generalized estimat-
ing equations that are solved to produce the
parameter estimates for the GEE model (see
Chap. 14). The test statistic for the generalized
Wald test generalizes the Wald test statistic for
a single parameter by utilizing the variance–
covariance matrix of the parameter estimates.
The test statistics for both the Score test and
the generalized Wald test follow an approxi-
mate chi-square distribution under the null
with the degrees of freedom equal to the num-
ber of parameters that are tested.
The output for the Score test and the
generalized Wald test for the four interaction
terms is shown on the left. The test statistic for
the Score test is 3.66 with the corresponding
p-value at 0.45. The generalized Wald test
yields similar results, as the test statistic is
3.53 with thep-value at 0.47. Both tests indi-
cate that the null hypothesis should not be
rejected and suggest that a model without the
interaction terms may be appropriate.
The no interaction model (Model 2) is pre-
sented at left. The GEE parameter estimates
using the exchangeable correlation structure
are also shown.
Presentation: III. Example 2: Aspirin–Heart Bypass Study 553