Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Odds ratio

ORdASPIRIN¼ 1 vs:ASPIRIN¼ 0 ¼expð 1 : 3302 Þ
¼ 0 : 264

Wald test

H 0 :b 1 ¼ 0

 1 : 3302

0 : 1444

¼ 9 : 21 ;P¼ 0 : 0001

Score test

H 0 :b 1 ¼ 0

Z^2 ¼(9.21)^2 ¼84.82,
so Wald 6 ¼Score

Exchangeable working correlation
COL1 COL2 ... COL6

ROW1 1.0000 0.0954 ... 0.0954
ROW2 0.0954 1.0000 ... 0.0954
ROW3 0.0954 0.0954 ... 0.0954
ROW4 0.0954 0.0954 ... 0.0954
ROW5 0.0954 0.0954 ... 0.0954
ROW6 0.0954 0.0954 ... 1.0000

^r¼ 0 : 0954

Model 3:SLR (naive model)

Variable Coefficient

Std Err


INTERCEPT 0.3741 2.0300 0.8538
ASPIRIN 1.3410 0.1676 0.0001
AGE 0.0090 0.0109 0.4108
GENDER 0.5194 0.3036 0.0871
WEIGHT 0.0013 0.0088 0.8819
HEIGHT 0.0078 0.0133 0.5580
SCALE 1.0000 0.0000

The odds ratio for aspirin use is estimated at
exp(1.3302)¼0.264, which suggests that
aspirin is a preventive factor toward throm-
botic graft occlusion after coronary bypass

The Wald test can be used for testing the
hypothesisH 0 :b 1 ¼0. The value of theztest
statistic is9.21. TheP-value of 0.0001 indi-
cates that the coefficient for ASPIRIN is statis-
tically significant.

Alternatively, the Score test can be used to test
the hypothesisH 0 :b 1 ¼0. The value of the chi-
square test statistic is 65.34 yielding a similar
statistically significantP-value of 0.0001.

Note, however, that thew^2 version of the Wald
text (i.e., Z^2 ) differs from the Score statistic.

The correlation parameter estimate obtained
from the working correlation matrix is
0.0954, which suggests a negative association
between reocclusion of different arteries from
the same bypass patient compared with reoc-
clusions from different patients.

The output for a standard logistic regression
(SLR) is presented on the left for comparison
with the corresponding GEE models. The
parameter estimates for the standard logistic
regression are similar to those obtained from
the GEE model, although their standard errors
are slightly larger.

554 15. GEE Examples

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