Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. For SOC¼1, SBP¼150, and SMK¼1, X¼(SOC,
    SBP, SMK, SOCSBP, SOCSMK)¼(1, 150, 1, 150, 1)
    Model 1 ;P^ðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½ 1 : 18  0 : 52 ð 1 Þ
    þ 0 : 04 ð 150 Þ 0 : 56 ð 1 Þ
     0 : 033 ð 1  150 Þ 0 : 175 ð 1  1 ފgÞ:
    ¼ 1 =f 1 þexp½ð 1 : 035 ފg
    ¼ 1 =ð 1 þ 2 : 815 Þ
    ¼ 0 : 262

  2. ForModel 2, person 1(SOC¼1, SMK¼1, SBP¼150):
    ^PðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½ 1 : 19  0 : 50 ð 1 Þ
    þ 0 : 01 ð 150 Þ 0 : 42 ð 1 ފgÞ
    ¼ 1 =f 1 þexp½ð 0 : 61 ފg
    ¼ 1 =ð 1 þ 1 : 84 Þ
    ¼ 0 : 352
    ForModel 2, person2(SOC¼0,SMK¼1, SBP¼150):
    ^PðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½ 1 : 19  0 : 50 ð 0 Þ
    þ 0 : 01 ð 150 Þ 0 : 42 ð 1 ފgÞ
    ¼ 1 =f 1 þexp½ð 0 : 11 ފg
    ¼ 1 =ð 1 þ 1 : 116 Þ
    ¼ 0 : 473

  3. The risk computed forModel 1is 0.262, whereas the
    risk computed forModel 2, person 1is 0.352. Note that
    both risks are computed for the same person (i.e.,
    SOC¼1, SMK¼1, SBP¼150), yet they yield
    different values because the models are different. In
    particular,Model 1contains two product terms that
    are not contained in Model 2, and consequently,
    computed risks for a given person can be expected to
    be somewhat different for different models.

  4. UsingModel 2results,

RRð1vs: 2 Þ¼
PðSOC¼ 0 ;SMK¼ 1 ;SBP¼ 150 Þ
PðSOC¼ 1 ;SMK¼ 1 ;SBP¼ 150 Þ
¼ 0 : 352 = 0 : 473 ¼ 1 = 1 : 34 ¼ 0 : 744
This estimated risk ratio is less than 1 because the risk
for high social class persons (SOC¼1) is less than the
risk for low social class persons (SOC¼0) in this data
set. More specifically, the risk for low social class
persons is 1.34 times as large as the risk for high social
class persons.

38 1. Introduction to Logistic Regression

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