Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

II. The Alternating
Logistic Regressions

Modeling associations:

GEE approach ALR approach
correlationsðrsÞ odds ratiosðORsÞ

PðYij¼ 1 ;Yik¼ 1 ÞPðYij¼ 0 ;Yik¼ 0 Þ
PðYij¼ 1 ;Yik¼ 0 ÞPðYij¼ 0 ;Yik¼ 1 Þ

GEE:as andbs estimated by alter-
nately updating estimates until

ALR:as andbs estimated similarly

ALR:aare log ORs

ALR ORjk> 1 ,GEErjk> 1
ALR ORjk< 1 ,GEErjk< 1

Same OR can correspond to differ-




The alternating logistic regressions (ALR) algo-
rithm is an analytic approach that can be used
to model correlated data with dichotomous out-
comes (Carey et al., 1993; Lipsitz et al., 1991).
This approach is very similar to that of GEE.
What distinguishes the two approaches is that
with the GEE approach, associations between
pairs of outcome measures are modeled with
correlations, whereas with ALR, they are mod-
eled with odds ratios. The odds ratio (ORijk)
between thejth andkth responses for theith
subject can be expressed as shown on the left.

Recall that in a GEE model, the correlation
parameters (a) are estimated using estimates
of the regression parameters (b). The regres-
sion parameter estimates are, in turn, updated
using estimates of the correlation parameters.
The computational process alternately updates
the estimates of the alphas and then the betas
until convergence is achieved.

The ALR approach works in a similar manner,
except that the alpha parameters are log odds
ratio parameters rather than correlation para-
meters. Moreover, for the same data, an odds
ratio between thejth andkth responses that is
greater than 1 using an ALR model corre-
sponds to a positive correlation between the
jth andkth responses using a GEE model. Sim-
ilarly, an odds ratio less than 1 using an ALR
model corresponds to a negative correlation
between responses.

However, the correspondence is not one-to-
one, and examples can be constructed in
which the same odds ratio corresponds to dif-
ferent correlations (see Practice Exercises 1–3).

Presentation: II. The Alternating Logistic Regressions Algorithm 571
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