Typical model for random Y:
Fixed component (fixed effects)
Random component (error)
Random effects model:
Fixed component (fixed effects)
Random components (random
- Random effects:b
VarðbÞ¼G - Residual variation:«
Random components layered:
Yij =
1 +exp –b 0 +Σ bhXhij +boi
The modeling of any response variable typi-
cally contains a fixed and random component.
The random component, often called the error
term, accounts for the variation in the response
variables that the fixed predictors fail to explain.
A model containing a random effect adds
another layer to the random part of the
model. With a random effects model, there are
at least two random components in the model:
- The first random component is the
variation explained by the random effects.
For the heartburn data set, the random
effect is designed to account for random
subject-to-subject variation
(heterogeneity). The variance–covariance
matrix of this random component (b)is
called theGmatrix. - The second random component is the
residual error variation. This is the
variation unexplained by the rest of the
model (i.e., unexplained by fixed or
random effects). For a given subject, this is
the difference of the observed and expected
response. The variance–covariance matrix
of this random component is called theR
For mixed logistic models, the layering of these
random components is tricky. This layering
can be illustrated by presenting the model
(see left side) in terms of the random effect
for theith subject (b 0 i) and the residual varia-
tion (eij) for thejth response of theith subject
582 16. Other Approaches for Analysis of Correlated Data