Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

eij¼YijPðYij¼ 1 jXÞ;


PðYij¼ 1 jXÞ¼m


1 þexp ðb 0 þ~

h¼ 1

bhXhijþb 0 iÞ



Model Yi¼miþeij Yij¼mijþeij
R Independent Correlated
G ——

GLMM:Yij¼g^1 ðX;b;b 0 iÞ


User specifies covariance struc-
tures forR, G,or both

GEE:correlation structure speci-

GLMM:covariance structure spe-

Covariance structure contains
parameters for both the variance
and covariance

The residual variation (eij) accounts for the dif-
ference between the observed value ofYand
the mean response, P(Y¼1|X), for a given sub-
ject. The random effect (b 0 i), on the other hand,
allows for randomness in the modeling of
the mean response [i.e., P(Y¼1|X)], which is
modeled using both fixed (bs) and random (bs)

For GLM and GEE models, the outcomeYis
modeled as the sum of the mean and the resid-
ual variation [Y¼mþeij, where the mean (m)
is fixed] determined by the subject’s pattern of
covariates. For GEE, the residual variation is
modeled with a correlation structure, whereas
for GLM, the residual variation (theRmatrix)
is modeled as independent. Neither GLM nor
GEE models contain aGmatrix, as they do not
contain any random effects (b).

In contrast, for GLMMs, the mean also con-
tains a random component (b 0 i). With GLMM,
the user can specify a covariance structure for
theGmatrix (for the random effects), theR
matrix (for the residual variation), or both.
Even if theGandRmatrices are modeled to
contain zero correlations separately, the com-
bination of both matrices in the model gener-
ally forms a correlated random structure for
the response variable.

Another difference between a GEE model and a
mixed model (e.g., MLM) is that a correlation
structure is specified with a GEE model,
whereas a covariance structure is specified
with a mixed model. A covariance structure con-
tains parameters for both the variance and
covariance, whereas a correlation structure con-
tains parameters for just the correlation. Thus,
with a covariance structure, there are additional
variance parameters and relationships among
those parameters (e.g., variance heterogeneity)
to consider (see Practice Exercises 7–9).

Presentation: IV. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach 583
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