Covariance Þ unique correlation
but correlation Þ unique covariance
Forith subject:
Rmatrix dimensions depend
on number of observations for
Gmatrix dimensions depend on
number of random effects (q)
Heartburn data:
R¼ 2 2 matrix
G¼ 1 1matrix(onlyone
random effect)
CLR vs. MLM: subject-specific
CLR:logitmi¼b 0 þb 1 RXþgi,
wheregiis afixedeffect
MLM:logitmi¼b 0 þb 1 RXþb 0 i,
whereb 0 iis arandomeffect
Fixed effectgi: impacts modeling ofm
Random effect b 0 i:usedto
characterize the variance
If a covariance structure is specified, then the
correlation structure can be ascertained. The
reverse is not true, however, since a correlation
matrix does not in itself determine a unique
covariance matrix.
For a given subject, the dimensions of theR
matrix depend on how many observations (ni)
the subject contributes, whereas the dimen-
sions of theGmatrix depend on the number
of random effects (e.g., q) included in the
model. For the heartburn data example, in
which there are two observations per subject
(ni¼2), theRmatrix is a 22 matrix modeled
with zero correlation. The dimensions ofGare
1 1(q¼1) since there is only one random
effect (b 0 i), so there is no covariance structure
to consider forGin this model. Nevertheless,
the combination of theGandRmatrix in this
model provides a way to account for correla-
tion between responses from the same subject.
We can compare the modeling of subject-
specific fixed effects with subject-specific ran-
dom effects by examining the conditional logis-
tic model (CLR) and the mixed logistic model
(MLM) in terms of theith subject’s response.
Using the heartburn data, these models can be
expressed as shown on the left.
The fixed effect,gi, impacts the modeling of the
mean response. The random effect,b 0 i,isa
random variable with an expected value of
zero. Therefore,b 0 idoes not directly contribute
to the modeling of the mean response; rather, it
is used to characterize the variance of the mean
584 16. Other Approaches for Analysis of Correlated Data