Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


GEE model: logit m = b 0 + b 1 RX

No subject-specific
random effects (b 0 i)

Within-subject correlation specified
in R matrix

MLM model: logit mi = b 0 + b 1 RX +

random effects

b 0 i

Marginal model ) E(Y|X)not
conditioned on cluster-specific
(e.g.,notallowed asX

 Earlier values ofY
 Subject-specific effects)

Marginal models (examples):


Heartburn Relief Study

b 1 ¼parameter of interest
interpretation of exp (b 1 )depends
on type of model

A GEE model can also be expressed in terms of
theith subject’s mean response (mi), as shown
at left using the heartburn example. The GEE
model contrasts with the MLM, and the condi-
tional logistic regression, since the GEE model
does not contain subject-specific effects (fixed
or random). With the GEE approach, the
within-subject correlation is handled by
the specification of a correlation structure for
theRmatrix. However, the mean response is
not directly modeled as a function of the indi-
vidual subjects.

A GEE model represents a type of model called a
marginal model. With a marginal model, the
mean response E(Y|X) is not directly
conditioned on any variables containing infor-
mation on the within-cluster correlation. For
example, the predictors (X)inamarginal
model cannot be earlier values of the response
from the same subject or subject-specific effects.

Other examples of marginal models include the
ALR model, described earlier in the chapter,
and the standard logistic regression with one
observation for each subject. In fact, any model
using data in which there is one observation
per subject is a marginal model because in that
situation, there is no information available
about within-subject correlation.

Returning to the Heartburn Relief Study exam-
ple, the parameter of interest is the coefficient
of the RX variable,b 1 , not the subject-specific
effect,b 0 i. The research question for this study
is whether the active treatment provides
greater relief for heartburn than the standard
treatment. The interpretation of the odds ratio
exp(b 1 ) depends, in part, on the type of model
that is run.

Presentation: IV. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model Approach 585
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