Computer Appendix
We suggest that you review the material cov-
ered here by reading the detailed outline that
A Computer Appendix is presented in the fol-
lowing section. This appendix provides details
on performing the analyses discussed in the
various chapters using SAS, SPSS, and Stata
statistical software.
üChapter 16. Other Approaches
for Analysis of Cor-
related Data
The presentation is now complete. Several
alternate approaches for the analysis of cor-
related data were examined and compared to
the GEE approach. The approaches discussed
included alternating logistic regressions, con-
ditional logistic regression, and the gene-
ralized linear mixed (logistic) model.
The choice of which approach to implement
for the primary analysis can be difficult and
should be determined, in part, by the research
hypothesis. It may be of interest to use several
different approaches for comparison. If the
results are different, it can be informative to
investigate why they are different. If they are
similar, it may be reassuring to know the
results are robust to different methods of
588 16. Other Approaches for Analysis of Correlated Data