Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Introduction In this chapter, several important special cases of the logis-
tic model involving a single (0, 1) exposure variable are
considered with their corresponding odds ratio expres-
sions. In particular, focus is on defining the independent
variables that go into the model and on computing the
odds ratio for each special case. Models that account for
the potential confounding effects and potential interaction
effects of covariates are emphasized.

Abbreviated Outline

The outline below gives the user a preview of the material
to be covered by the presentation. A detailed outline for
review purposes follows the presentation.

I. Overview (page 45)
II. Special case – Simple analysis (pages 46–49)
III. Assessing multiplicative interaction (pages 49–55)
IV. TheE,V,Wmodel – A general model containing a
(0, 1) exposure and potential confounders and
effect modifiers (pages 55–64)

42 2. Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model

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