Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, the learner should be
able to:

  1. State or recognize the logistic model for a simple

  2. Given a model for simple analysis:
    a. state an expression for the odds ratio describing the
    exposure–disease relationship
    b. state or recognize the null hypothesis of no
    exposure–disease relationship in terms of
    parameter(s) of the model
    c. compute or recognize an expression for the risk for
    exposed or unexposed persons separately
    d. compute or recognize an expression for the odds of
    getting the disease for exposed or unexposed
    persons separately

  3. Given two (0, 1) independent variables:
    a. state or recognize a logistic model that allows for
    the assessment of interaction on a multiplicative
    b. state or recognize the expression for no interaction
    on a multiplicative scale in terms of odds ratios for
    different combinations of the levels of two (0, 1)
    independent variables
    c. state or recognize the null hypothesis for no
    interaction on a multiplicative scale in terms of one
    or more parameters in an appropriate logistic

  4. Given a study situation involving a (0, 1) exposure
    variable and several control variables:
    a. state or recognize a logistic model that allows
    for the assessment of the exposure-disease
    relationship, controlling for the potential
    confounding and potential interaction effects
    of functions of the control variables
    b. compute or recognize the expression for the odds
    ratio for the effect of exposure on disease status
    adjusting for the potential confounding and
    interaction effects of the control variables in the
    c. state or recognize an expression for the null
    hypothesis of no interaction effect involving one
    or more of the effect modifiers in the model
    d. assuming no interaction, state or recognize an
    expression for the odds ratio for the effect of
    exposure on disease status adjusted for

Objectives 43
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