dialog boxes. The command syntax to recode CHD into a new variable called
(1¼0) (0¼1) INTO newchd.
To run the NOMREG procedure, select Analyze!Regression!Multinomial Logis-
tic from the drop-down menus to reach the dialog box to specify the logistic model.
Select NEWCHD from the variable list and enter it into the Dependent Variable box,
then select and enter the covariates into the Covariate(s) box. The default settings in
the Model dialog box are “Main Effects” and “Include intercept in model.” With the
NOMREG procedure, the covariance matrix can be requested as part of the model
statistics. Click on the Statistics button and check “Asymptotic covariances of param-
eter estimates” to include a covariance matrix in the output. In the main dialog box,
click on OK to run the model.
The corresponding syntax is:
newchd WITH cat age chl ecg smk hpt ch cc
(1.0E-6) SINGULAR(1.0E-8)
Note that the recoded CHD variable NEWCHD is used in the model statement. The
NEWCHD value of zero corresponds to the CHD value of one.
The output is omitted.
The GENLIN procedure can be used to run GLM and GEE models, including uncon-
ditional logistic regression, which is a special case of GLM. To run the GENLIN
procedure, select Analyze!Generalized Linear Models!Generalized Linear Mod-
els from the drop-down menus to reach a dialog box called “Type of Model.” Click on
Binary logistic under the heading called “Binary Response or Event/Trials Data.”
Next select a new dialogue box called “Response” and select the variable CHD in the
Dependent Variable box. Click on the box called “Reference Category” and select First
(lowest value) and click on Continue. Select a new dialogue box called “Predictors”
and enter the covariates in the Covariates box. Select a new dialogue box called
“Model” and enter the same covariates in the Model box. Click OK to run the
model. The corresponding syntax follows (output omitted):
GENLIN chd (REFERENCE¼FIRST) WITH age cat chl dbp ecg sbp smk hpt cc ch
/MODEL age cat chl ecg smk hpt cc ch INTERCEPT¼YES