Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

table. Also included in the output is a likelihood ratio test statistic (91.33) and
correspondingp-value (0.0000) for a likelihood ratio test comparing the full model
with 8 regression parameters to a reduced model containing only the intercept. The test
statistic follows a chi-square distribution with 8 degrees of freedom under the null.

Theoroption for thelogitcommand is used to obtain exponentiated coefficients
rather than the coefficients themselves. In Stata, options appear in the command
following a comma. The code follows:

logit chd cat age chl ecg smk hpt ch cc, or

Thelogisticcommand without theoroption produces identical output as thelogit
command does with theoroption. The output follows:

Logit estimates Number of obs ¼ 609
LR chi2 (8) ¼ 91.33
Prob>chi2 ¼ 0.0000
Log likelihood¼173.61476 Pseudo R2 ¼ 0.2082

chd Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>jzj [95% Conf. Interval]

cat 3.08e-06 9.57e-06 4.09 0.000 7.02e-09 .0013542
age 1.035582 .0167127 2.17 0.030 1.003338 1.068862
chl .9945599 .004161 1.30 0.192 .9864378 1.002749
ecg 1.443587 .4732125 1.12 0.263 .7593048 2.74454
smk 2.166718 .709095 2.36 0.018 1.14086 4.115025
hpt 2.848091 .9445266 3.16 0.002 1.486845 5.455594
ch .0971222 .0721295 3.14 0.002 .0226547 .4163692
cc 1.071618 .0153883 4.82 0.000 1.041878 1.102207

The standard errors and 95% confidence intervals are those for the odds ratio
estimates. As discussed in the SAS section of this appendix, care must be taken in
the interpretation of these odds ratios with continuous predictor variables or inter-
action terms included in the model.

Thevcecommand will produce a variance–covariance matrix of the parameter esti-
mates. Use thevcecommand after running a regression. The code and output follow:

cat age chl ecg smk hpt _cons

cat .12389
age .002003 .00023
chl .000283 2.3e-06 .000011
ecg .027177 .000105 .000041 .086222
smk .006541 .000746 .00002 .007845 .093163
hpt .032891 .000026 .000116 .00888 .001708 .084574
_cons .042945 .012314 .002271 .027447 .117438 .008195 1.30013

S TATA 651

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