Test Answers
Chapter 1 True-False Questions:
- F: any type of independent variable is allowed
- F: dependent variable must be dichotomous
- T
- F: S-shaped
- T
- T
- F: cannot estimate risk using case-control study
- T
- F: constant term can be estimated in follow-up study
- T
- T
- F: logit gives log odds, not log odds ratio
- T
- F:bicontrols for other variables in the model
- T
- F: multiplicative
- F: exp(b) wherebis coefficient of exposure
- F: OR for effect of SMK is exponential of coefficient of SMK
- F: OR requires formula involving interaction terms
- F: OR requires formula that considers coding
different from (0, 1) - e. exp(b) is not appropriate forany X.
- PðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½aþb 1 ðAGEÞþb 2 ðSMKÞ
þb 3 ðSEXÞþb 4 ðCHOLÞþb 5 ðOCCÞgÞ: - P^ðXÞ¼ 1 =ð 1 þexpf½ 4 : 32 þ 0 : 0274 ðAGEÞ
þ 0 : 5859 ðSMKÞþ 1 : 1523 ðSEXÞ
þ 0 : 0087 ðCHOLÞ 0 : 5309 ðOCCÞgÞ: - logit PðXÞ¼ 4 : 32 þ 0 : 0274 ðAGEÞ
þ 0 : 5859 ðSMKÞþ 1 : 1523 ðSEXÞ
þ 0 : 0087 ðCHOLÞ 0 : 5309 ðOCCÞ: