This estimate indicates that smokers have 1.8 times as
high a risk for getting hypertension as nonsmokers,
controlling for age, sex, cholesterol, and occupation.
- The rare disease assumption.
- The odds ratio is a legitimate measure of association
and could be used even if the risk ratio cannot be
estimated. - OR (OCC controlling for AGE, SEX, SMK, CHOL)d
;whereb^¼ 0 :5309 is the coefficient of OCC in the
fitted model
¼expð 0 : 5309 Þ
¼ 0 : 5881 ¼ 1 = 1 : 70 :
This estimate is less than 1 and thus indicates that
unemployed persons (OCC¼0) are 1.70 times more
likely to develop hypertension than are employed
persons (OCC = 1). - Characteristic 1: the model contains only main effect
Characteristic 2: OCC is a (0, 1) variable. - The formula exp(bi) is inappropriate for estimating
the effect of AGE controlling for the other four
variables because AGE is being treated as a
continuous variable in the model, whereas the
formula is appropriate for (0, 1) variables only.
Chapter 2 True-False Questions:
- F: OR¼exp(c)
- F: risk¼1/[1þexp(a)]
- T
- T
- T
- T
- T
- F: OR¼exp(bþ 5 d)
- The model in logit form is given as follows:
logit PðXÞ¼aþbCONþg 1 PARþg 2 NPþg 3 ASCM
- The odds ratio expression is given by
expðbþd 1 PARþd 2 NPþd 3 ASCMÞ:
Chapter 2 669