Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

7. T

  1. F:ais not estimated in conditional ML programs

  2. T

  3. T

  4. F: the variance–covariance matrix gives variances
    and covariances for regression coefficients, not

  5. T

  6. Because matching has been used, the method of
    estimation should beconditionalML estimation.

  7. The variables AGE and SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS
    do not appear in the printout because these variables
    have been matched on, and the corresponding
    parameters are nuisance parameters that are not
    estimated using a conditional ML program.

  8. The OR is computed as e to the power 0.39447, which
    equals 1.48. This is the odds ratio for the effect of pill
    use adjusted for the four other variables in the model.
    This odds ratio says that pill users are 1.48 times as
    likely as nonusers to get cervical cancer after adjusting
    for the four other variables.

  9. The OR given by e to0.24411, which is 0.783, is the
    odds ratio for the effect of vitamin C use adjusted for
    the effects of the other four variables in the model.
    This odds ratio says that vitamin C is some‐what
    protective for developing cervical cancer. In
    particular, since 1/0.78 equals 1.28, this OR says that
    vitamin Cnonusersare 1.28 times more likely to
    develop cervical cancer thanusers, adjusted for the
    other variables.

  10. Alternative null hypotheses:

  11. The OR for the effect of VITC adjusted for the other
    four variables equals 1.

  12. The coefficient of the VITC variable in the fitted
    logistic model equals 0.

  13. The 95% CI for the effect of VITC adjusted for the
    other four variables is given by the limits 0.5924 and

  14. TheZstatistic is given byZ¼0.24411/

  15. The value of MAX LOGLIKELIHOOD is the
    logarithm of the maximized likelihood obtained for
    the fitted logistic model. This value is used as part
    of a likelihood ratio test statistic involving this

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