Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Chapter 5 1. Conditional ML estimation is the appropriate method
of estimation because the study involves matching.

  1. Age and socioeconomic status are missing from the
    printout because they are matching variables and
    have been accounted for in the model by nuisance
    parameters which are not estimated by the
    conditional estimation method.

  2. H 0 :bSMK¼0 in the no interaction model (Model I), or
    alternatively,H 0 :OR¼1, where OR denotes the odds
    ratio for the effect of SMK on cervical cancer status,
    adjusted for the other variables (NS and AS) in model I;
    test statistic: Wald statisticZ¼

S^bSMK, which is
approximately normal (0, 1) underH 0 ,or
alternatively,Z^2 is approximately chi square with one
degree of freedom underH 0 ; test
computation:Z¼^10 ::^43613167 ¼ 4 : 53 ; alternatively,Z^2 ¼20.56;
the one‐tailedP‐value is 0.0000/2¼0.0000, which is
highly significant.

  1. The point estimate of the odds ratio for the effect of
    SMK on cervical cancer status adjusted for the other
    variables in model I is given by e1.4361¼4.20.
    The 95% interval estimate for the above odds ratio is
    given by

exp^bSMK 1 : 96

Vard b^SMK


¼expð 1 : 4361  1 : 96  0 : 3617 Þ¼e^0 :^8154 ;e^2 :^0568

¼ð 2 : 26 ; 7 : 82 Þ:

  1. Null hypothesis for the likelihood ratio test for the
    effect of SMKNS:H 0 :bSMKNS¼0, wherebSMKNS
    is the coefficient of SMKNS in model II;
    Likelihood ratio statistic: LR¼ 2 lnL^Ið 2 lnL^IIÞ
    whereL^IandL^IIare the maximized likelihood
    functions for models I and II, respectively. This
    statistic has approximately a chi‐square distribution
    with one degree of freedom under the null hypothesis.
    Test computation: LR¼174.97171.46¼3.51. The
    P‐value is less than 0.10 but greater than 0.05, which
    gives borderline significance because we would reject
    the null hypothesis at the 10% level but not at the 5%
    level. Thus, we conclude that the effect of the interaction
    of NS with SMK is of borderline significance.

  2. Null hypothesis for the Wald test for the effect
    of SMKNS is the same as that for the likelihood
    ratio test:H 0 :bSMKNS¼0 wherebSMKNSis the
    coefficient of SMKNS in model II;

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