Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. logit PðXÞ¼aþb 1 Fþb 2 BASEþg 1 POST
    þg 2 PFþg 3 OCCþg 4 AGEþg 5 GEN
    þd 1 FBASEþd 2 FPOST
    þd 3 FPFþd 4 FOCCþd 5 FAGE
    þd 6 FGENþd 7 BASEPOST
    þd 8 BASEPFþd 9 BASEOCC
    þd 10 BASEAGEþd 11 BASEGEN

  2. F 3 POST:EV

PF 3 POST:Neither

  1. Choicescanddare reasonable.

Choiceais not reasonable because the two
nonsignificant chunk tests do not imply that the
overall chunk test is nonsignificant; in fact, the overall
chunk test was significant.
Choicebis not reasonable because the corresponding
chunk test wasmoresignificant than the chunk test
for interaction terms involving BASE.

  1. Using the model of question 2 ,
    H 0 :d 2 ¼d 3 ¼d 4 ¼d 5 ¼d 6 ¼0.
    underH 0 ,
    where the Full Model is the model of question 2 , and
    the Reduced Model does not contain the product
    termsF 3 POST, F 3 PF, F 3 OCC, F 3 AGE, and

  2. PF, AGE,andGENare eligible to be dropped from the
    model. These variables areVvariables that are not
    components of the three product terms found
    significant from interaction assessment.

  3. No. The variablesPOSTandOCCare lower order
    components of the product termsF 3 POSTand
    BASE 3 OCCfound significant, and are therefore to
    be retained in the model (from the hierarchy
    principle). Tests of significance forPOSTandOCC
    will depend on the coding of the variables in the
    model, so such tests are inappropriate, since they
    should be independent of coding.

  4. a. logit PðXÞ¼aþb 1 Fþb 2 BASEþg 1 POSTþg 2 PF
    þg 3 OCCþg 4 AGEþg 5 GEN
    þd 1 FBASEþd 2 FPOST
    þd 9 BASEOCC
    b. X*¼(3, 1, POST, PF, OCC, AGE, GEN), whereas
    X¼(2, 0, POST, PF, OCC, AGE, GEN),
    OR¼exp½b 1 þb 2 þ 3 d 1 þd 2 POSTþd 9 OCCŠ

Chapter 8 677
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