b. Sensitivity %¼100(98/114)¼86.0
Specificity %¼100(107/175)¼61.1
1 specificity %¼ 100 61.1¼100(68/175)¼39.9
False positive %¼100(68/166)¼41.0
False negative %¼100(16/123)¼13.0
c. The denominator for calculating 1specificity is
the number of true negatives (n 0 ¼175) whereas
the denominator for calculating the false positive
percentage is 166, the total number of patients who
were classified as postitive from the fitted model
using the cut-point of 0.300.
d. Correct (%)¼100(98þ107)/(114þ175)¼70.9,
which gives the percentage of all patients (i.e., cases
and noncases combined) that were correctly
classified as cases or noncases.
e. The sensitivity of 86.0% indicates that the model
does well in predicting cases among the true cases.
The specificity of 61.1 indicates that the model does
not do very well in predicting noncases among the
true noncases.
f. A drawback to assessing discrimination exclusively
using the cut-point of 0.300 is that the sensitivity
and specificity that results from a given cut-point
may vary with the cut-point chosen.
- Plots for the following cut-points: 0.000, 0.200, 0.400,
0.600, 0.800, and 1.000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
682 Test Answers