Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. a.

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0












b. AUC¼c¼0.840; good discrimination (grade B).
c. 19,950¼ 114 175, where 114 is the number of
true cases and 175 is the number of true noncases.
Thus, 19,950 is the number of distinct case/noncase
pairs in the dataset.

d. AUC¼c¼

wþ 0 : 5 z


19 ; 950 ð: 838 Þþ 0 : 5 ð 19 ; 950 Þð: 004 Þ
19 ; 950

¼ 0 : 840

  1. a. Area within entire rectangle¼ 114  715 ¼19,950,
    which is the number of case/noncase pairs in the
    dataset used to compute the AUC.
    b. The area under the superimposed ROC curve is
    16,758, which is the numerator in the AUC formula,
    giving essentially the number of case/noncase pairs
    in which the predicted risk for the case is at least as
    large as the predicted risk for the corresponding
    noncase in the pair (where ties are weighed by 0.5).

  2. a. Yes, the model fits the data because the HL statistic
    is highly nonsignificant. Also, the corresponding
    observed and expected cases are very close in each
    decile, as is the corresponding observed and
    expected noncases.
    b. The distribution of observed cases indicates that
    the higher is the decile, the higher is the number of
    observed cases. The distribution of observed
    noncases indicates that the lower is the decile, the
    higher is the number of observed noncases. This
    indicates that the model provides good
    discrimination of the cases from the noncases.
    c. The table provided for this part indicates that the
    model poorly discriminates cases from noncases
    and also provides poor GOF. Both the observed
    cases and the observed noncases appear to be

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