Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses
Percent Concordant 65.2 Somers’ D 0.518
Percent Discordant 13.4 Gamma 0.660
Percent Tied 21.5 Tau‐a 0.144
Pairs 25205 c 0.759
Partition for the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
Event Nonevent
Group Total Observed Expected Observed Expected
1 179 8 11.83 171 167.17
2 114 12 8.17 102 105.83
3 25 13 9.17 12 15.83
4 108 38 41.83 70 66.17
Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness‐of‐Fit Test
Chi‐Square DF Pr>ChiSq
6.3576 2 0.0416

Chapter 11 True‐False Questions:

  1. T

  2. F: information may be lost from matching: sample
    size may be reduced by not including eligible controls

  3. T

  4. T

  5. T

  6. McNemar’s chi square: (X  Y)^2 /(X þ Y)¼
    (125121)^2 /(125þ121)¼16/246¼0.065, which is
    highly nonsignificant. The MOR equalsX/Y¼125/121¼
    1.033. The conclusion from this data is that there is no
    meaningful or significant effect of exposure (Vietnam
    veteran status) on the outcome (genetic anomalies of

  7. logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþå


i¼ 1

g 1 iV 1 i;
where theV 1 idenote 8,501 dummy variables used to
indicate the 8,502 matched pairs.

  1. The Wald statistic is computed asZ¼0.032/0.128¼
    0.25. The square of this Z is 0.0625, which is very close
    to the McNemar chi square of 0.065, and is highly

  2. The odds ratio from the printout is 1.033, which is
    identical to the odds ratio obtained using the formula

  3. The confidence interval given in the printout is com-
    puted using the formula

exp^b 1 : 96

vard ^b


where the estimated coefficient^bis 0.032 and the square
root of the estimated variance, i.e.,



Chapter 11 685
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