Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Chapter 12 True-False Questions:

  1. F: The outcome categories are not ordered.

  2. T

  3. T

  4. F: There will be four estimated coefficients for each
    independent variable.

  5. F: The choice of reference category will affect the
    estimates and interpretation of the model parameters.

  6. Odds¼exp[a 2 þb 21 (40)þb 22 (1)þb 23 (0)þb 24 (HPT)]
    ¼exp[a 2 þ 40 b 21 þb 22 þ(HPT)b 24 ]

  7. OR¼exp(b 12 )

  8. OR¼exp[(5020)b 21 ]¼exp(30b 21 )

  9. H 0 :b 13 ¼b 23 ¼b 33 ¼b 14 ¼b 24 ¼b 34 ¼ 0
    Test statistic:2 log likelihood of the model without
    the smoking and hypertension terms (i.e., the reduced
    model), minus2 log likelihood of the model contain-
    ing the smoking and hypertension terms (i.e., the full
    model from Question 6).
    Under the null hypothesis the test statistic follows an
    approximate chi-square distribution with six degrees
    of freedom.

  10. ln

PðD¼ 0 jXÞ

¼½agþbg 1 AGEþbg 2 GENDER
þbg 3 SMOKEþbg 4 HPT
whereg¼1, 2, 3.
Six additional parameters are added to the interaction
model (b 15 ,b 25 ,b 35 ,b 16 ,b 26 ,b 36 ).

Chapter 13 True-False Questions:

  1. T

  2. T

  3. F: each independent variable has one estimated coef-

  4. T

  5. F: the odds ratio is invariant no matter where the cut-
    point is defined, but theoddsis not invariant

  6. T

  7. F: the log odds (D1) is the log odds of the outcome
    being in category 1 or 2, whereas the log odds ofD2is
    the log odds of the outcome just being in category 2.

  8. T: in contrast to linear regression, the actual values,
    beyond the order of the outcome variables, have no

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