Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
effect on the parameter estimates or on which odds
ratios are assumed invariant. Changing the values of
the independent variables, however, may affect the
estimates of the parameters.

  1. odds¼exp (a 2 þ 40 b 1 þb 2 þb 3 )

  2. OR¼exp [(10)b 3 þ(10)b 4 ]¼exp (b 3 þb 4 )

  3. OR¼exp (b 3 þb 4 ); the OR is the same as in Question
    10 because the odds ratio is invariant to the cut-point
    used to dichotomize the outcome categories

  4. OR¼exp [(b 3 þb 4 )]

Chapter 14 True-False Questions:

  1. T

  2. F: there is one common correlation parameter for all

  3. T

  4. F: afunctionof the mean response is modeled as linear
    (see next question)

  5. T

  6. T

  7. F: only the estimated standard errors of the regression
    parameter estimates are affected. The regression
    parameter estimates are unaffected

  8. F: consistency is an asymptotic property (i.e., holds as
    the number of clusters approaches infinity)

  9. F: the empirical variance estimator is used to estimate
    the variance of the regression parameter estimates,
    not the variance of the response variable

  10. T

Chapter 15

  1. Model 1: logit P (D¼ 1 jX)¼b 0 þb 1 RXþb 2 SEQUENCE
    þb 3 RXSEQ
    Model 2: logit P (D¼ 1 jX)¼b 0 þb 1 RX
    þb 2 SEQUENCE
    Model 3: logit P(D¼ 1 jX)¼b 0 þb 1 RX

  2. Estimated OR (where SEQUENCE¼0)
    95% CI: exp[0.41841.96(0.5885)]¼(0.48, 4.82)
    Estimated OR (where SEQUENCE¼1)
    95 %CI:exp
    ð 0 : 4184  0 : 2136 Þ

 1 : 96

0 : 3463 þ 0 : 6388  2 ð 0 : 3463 Þ

¼ð 0 : 43 ; 3 : 54 Þ

Chapter 15 687
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