Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


multiplicative interaction vs.
additive interaction
Epidemiologic Research, Chap. 19

Logistic model variables:

X 1 ¼Að 0 , 1 Þ

X 2 ¼Bð 0 , 1 Þ


main effects

X 3 ¼AB interaction effect

logit P(X)¼aþb 1 Aþb 2 B
þb 3 AB,


PðXÞ¼risk givenAandB

b 3 ¼lne

OR 11

OR 10 OR 01

Note that in determining whether or not the no
interaction equation is satisfied, the left- and
right-hand sides of the equation do not have to
be exactly equal. If the left-hand side is approx-
imately equal to the right-hand side, we can
conclude that there is no interaction. For
instance, if the left-hand side is 14.5 and the
right-hand side is 14, this would typically be
close enough to conclude that there is no inter-
action on a multiplicative scale.

A more complete discussion of interaction,
including the distinction between multipli-
cative interactionand additive interaction,is
given in Chap. 19 ofEpidemiologic Research
by Kleinbaum, Kupper, and Morgenstern

We now define a logistic model that allows
the assessment of multiplicative interaction
involving two (0, 1) indicator variablesAand
B. This model contains three independent vari-
ables, namely,X 1 equal toA, X 2 equal toB, and
X 3 equal to the product termAtimesB. The
variablesAandBare called main effect vari-
ables and the product term is called an interac-
tion effect variable.

The logit form of the model is given by the
expression logit of P(X) equalsaplusb 1 times
Aplusb 2 timesBplusb 3 timesAtimesB.P(X)
denotes the risk for developing the disease
given values ofAandB, so that we can alterna-
tively write P(X)asRAB.

For this model, it can be shown mathemati-
cally that the coefficient b 3 of the product
term can be written in terms of the three odds
ratios we have previously defined. The formula
isb 3 equals the natural log of the quantity OR 11
divided by the product of OR 10 and OR 01 .We
can make use of this formula to test the null
hypothesis of no interaction on a multiplicative

EXAMPLE (continued)
Note: “¼” means approximately equal
e.g., 14.514.0)no interaction

Presentation: III. Assessing Multiplicative Interaction 53
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