Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Choice of W values depends on

Thisexpressionforthe oddsratio tells usthatwe
obtain a different value for the estimated odds
ratio depending on the values specified for CHL
and HPT. As previously mentioned, this should
make sense conceptually because CHL and HPT
are the only two effect modifiers in the model,
and the value of the odds ratio changes as the
values of the effect modifiers change.

To get a numerical value for the odds ratio, we
consider, for example, the specific values CHL
equal to 220 and HPT equal to 1. Plugging these
into the odds ratio formula, we obtain e to the
0.2028, which equals 1.22.

As a second example, we consider CHL equal to
200 and HPT equal to 0. Here, the odds ratio
becomes e to 1.1506, which equals 3.16.

Thus, we see that depending on the values of
the effect modifiers we will get different values
for the estimated odds ratios. Note that each
estimated odds ratio obtained adjusts for the
confounding effects of all five control variables
because these five variables are contained in
the fitted model asVvariables.

In general, when faced with an odds ratio
expression involving effect modifiers (W), the
choice of values for theWvariables depends
primarily on the interest of the investigator.
Typically, the investigator will choose a range
of values for each interaction variable in
the odds ratio formula; this choice will lead to
a table of estimated odds ratios, such as the
one presented here, for a range of CHL values
and the two values of HPT. From such a table,
together with a table of confidence intervals, the
investigator can interpret the exposure–disease

As a second example, we consider a model con-
taining no interaction terms from the same
Evans County data set of 609 white males.
The variables in the model are the exposure
variable CAT, and fiveV variables, namely,
AGE, CHL, SMK, ECG, and HPT. This model
is written in logit form as shown here.

EXAMPLE (continued)

ROR varies with values of CHL and HPT

effect modifiers

 CHL¼220, HPT¼ 1
RORd ¼exp½ 12 : 6894 þ 0 :0692 220ðÞ
 2 :3318 1ðފ
¼expðÞ¼ 0 : 2028 1 : 22

 CHL¼200, HPT¼ 0
RORd ¼exp½ 12 : 6894 þ 0 :0692 200ðÞ
 2 :3318 0ðފ
¼expðÞ¼ 1 : 1506 3 : 16

CHL¼220, HPT¼ 1 )RORd ¼1.22
CHL¼200, HPT¼ 0 )RORd ¼3.16
controls for the confounding effects of


HPT¼0 HPT¼ 1
CHL¼ 180 0.79 0.08

CHL¼ (^200) 3.16 0.31
CHL¼ (^220) 12.61 1.22
CHL¼ 240 50.33 4.89
No interaction model for Evans
County data (n¼609)
logit P(X)¼aþbCAT
þg 1 AGEþg 2 CHL
þg 3 SMKþg 4 ECG
þg 5 HPT
62 2. Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model

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