C. Examples of no interaction and interaction on a
multiplicative scale.
D. A logistic model that allows for the assessment of
multiplicative interaction:
logit P(X)¼aþb 1 Aþb 2 Bþb 3 AB
E. The relationship ofb 3 to the odds ratios in the no
interaction formula above:
b 3 ¼ln
OR 11
OR 10 OR 01
F. The null hypothesis of no interaction in the above
two factor model: H 0 :b 3 ¼0.
IV. TheE,V,Wmodel – A general model containing a
(0, 1) exposure and potential confounders and
effect modifiers(pages 55–64)
A. Specification of variables in the model: start with
E, C 1 ,C 2 ,...,Cp; then specify potential
confoundersV 1 ,V 2 ,...,Vp 1 , which are functions
of theCs, and potential interaction variables (i.e.,
effect modifiers)W 1 ,W 2 ,...,Wp 2 , which are also
functions of theCs and go into the model as
product terms withE, i.e.,EWj.
B. TheE, V, Wmodel:
logit PðÞ¼X aþbEþ~
p 1
i¼ 1
p 2
j¼ 1
C. Odds ratio formula for theE, V, Wmodel, whereE
is a (0, 1) variable:
RORE¼ 1 vs:E¼ 0 ¼exp bþ~
p 2
j¼ 1
D. Odds ratio formula forE, V, Wmodel if no
interaction: ROR¼exp(b).
E. Examples of theE, V, Wmodel: with interaction
and without interaction
66 2. Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model