Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Test True or False (Circle T or F)

T F 1. Given the simple analysis model, logit P(X)¼f
þcQ, wherefandcare unknown parameters
andQis a (0, 1) exposure variable, the odds ratio
for describing the exposure–disease relationship
is given by exp(f).
T F 2. Given the model logit P(X)¼aþbE, whereE
denotes a (0, 1) exposure variable, theriskfor
unexposed persons (E¼0) is expressible as
T F 3. Given the model in Question 2, theoddsof get-
ting the disease for unexposed persons (E¼0) is
given by exp(a).
T F 4. Given the model logit P(X)¼fþcHPT
þrECGþpHPTECG, where HPT is a (0, 1)
exposure variable denoting hypertension status
and ECG is a (0, 1) variable for electrocardio-
gram status, the null hypothesis for a test of no
interaction on a multiplicative scale is given by
H 0 :exp(p)¼1.
T F 5. For the model in Question 4, the odds ratio that
describes the effect of HPT on disease status,
controlling for ECG, is given by exp(cþpECG).
T F 6. Given the model logit P(X)¼aþbEþfHPT
þcECG, whereE, HPT, and ECG are (0, 1) vari-
ables, then the odds ratio for estimating the
effect of ECG on the disease, controlling forE
and HPT, is given by exp(c).
T F 7. GivenE, C 1 , andC 2 , and lettingV 1 ¼C 1 ¼W 1 ,
V 2 ¼(C 1 )^2 , andV 3 ¼C 2 , then the corresponding
logistic model is given by logit P(X)¼aþbE
þg 1 C 1 þg 2 C 12 þg 3 C 2 þdEC 1.
T F 8. For the model in Question 7, if C 1 ¼5 and
C 2 ¼20, then the odds ratio for theE, Drelation-
ship has the form exp(bþ 20 d).

Test 69
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