Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Objectives Upon completing this chapter, the learner should be able to:

  1. Given a logistic model for a study situation involving a
    single exposure variable and several control variables,
    compute or recognize the expression for the odds ratio
    for the effect of exposure on disease status that adjusts
    for the confounding and interaction effects of functions
    of control variables:
    a. When the exposure variable is dichotomous and
    coded (a, b) for any two numbersaandb
    b. When the exposure variable is ordinal and two
    exposure values are specified
    c. When the exposure variable is continuous and two
    exposure values are specified

  2. Given a study situation involving a single nominal
    exposure variable with more than two (i.e.,
    polytomous) categories, state or recognize a logistic
    model that allows for the assessment of the
    exposure–disease relationship controlling for potential
    confounding and assuming no interaction.

  3. Given a study situation involving a single nominal
    exposure variable with more than two categories,
    compute or recognize the expression for the odds ratio
    that compares two categories of exposure status,
    controlling for the confounding effects of control
    variables and assuming no interaction.

  4. Given a study situation involving several distinct
    exposure variables, state or recognize a logistic model
    that allows for the assessment of the joint effects of the
    exposure variables on disease controlling for the
    confounding effects of control variables and assuming
    no interaction.

  5. Given a study situation involving several distinct
    exposure variables, state or recognize a logistic model
    that allows for the assessment of the joint effects of
    the exposure variables on disease controlling for the
    confounding and interaction effects of control

Objectives 75
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