Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


I. Overview


Computing OR for
E, D relationship
adjusting for
control variables

 DichotomousE– arbitrary

 Ordinal or intervalE



Chapter 2 –E, V, Wmodel:

 (0, 1) exposure


 Effect modifiers

The variables in theE, V, Wmodel:

E: (0, 1) exposure

Cs: control variables

Vs: potential confounders

Ws: potential effect modifiers
(i.e., go into model asEW)

TheE, V, Wmodel:

logit PðÞ¼X aþbEþ~

p 1

i¼ 1



p 2

j¼ 1


This presentation describes how to compute
the odds ratio for special cases of the general
logistic model involving one or more exposure
variables. We focus on models that allow for
tionship that adjusts for the potential con-
founding and/or effect modifying effects of
control variables.

In particular, we consider dichotomous expo-
sure variables with arbitrary coding, that is, the
coding of exposure may be other than (0, 1).
We also consider single exposures that are ordi-
consider models involving several exposures, a
special case of which involves a single polyto-
mous exposure.

In the previous chapter we described the logit
form and odds ratio expression for theE, V, W
logistic model, where we considered a single
(0, 1) exposure variable and we allowed the
model to control several potential confounders
and effect modifiers.

Recall that in defining theE, V, Wmodel, we
start with a single dichotomous (0, 1) exposure
variable, E, and p control variablesC 1 , C 2 ,
and so on, up throughCp. We then define a
set of potential confounder variables, which
are denoted asVs. TheseVs are functions of
theCs that are thought to account for con-
founding in the data. We then define a set of
potential effect modifiers, which are denoted
asWs. Each of theWs goes into the model as
product term withE.

Thelogit formof theE, V, Wmodel is shown
here. Note thatbis the coefficient of the single
exposure variableE, the gammas (gs) are coef-
ficients of potential confounding variables
denoted by theVs, and the deltas (ds) are coef-
ficients of potential interaction effects involv-
ingEseparately with each of theWs.

76 3. Computing the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression

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